Sunday, August 7, 2016

Italian Centenarians

Being centenarian is getting easier in a way I didn't expect. Don't you believe it? Have a look at this:

Data are coming from ISTAT, the Italian Institute for Statistics and shows how centenarian people boomed in Italy in the last decades.

The cool thing about it, especially if you are not Italian, is not much in the information you get but in the way I created the picture. Starting from the rough data, using python and the matplotlib library.

Here is the source code:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 1

# 2
years = [
    1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991,
    1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,
    2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011,
    2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
population = [
    302, 229, 345, 368, 482, 649, 703, 922, 960, 1120,
    2852, 3053, 3273, 3562, 3690, 4015, 4377, 4516, 4765, 5435,
    6153, 7265, 7614, 8797, 9470, 9470, 10728, 11319, 12243, 13544,
    15029, 16390, 17884, 19095, 18765

plt.plot(years, population) # 3
plt.xlabel('Year') # 4
plt.xlim(years[0], years[-1]) # 5
plt.title('Italian Centenarians') # 6
plt.fill_between(years, population, 0, color= 'blue', alpha= 0.5) # 7 # 8
1. This is the standard way to import the pyplot sub-package. No one want to bring a long such long name, so the plt moniker is used instead.
2. If you don't believe me, you can get the data by yourself from ISTAT. Demography are from
3. I say to pyplot that I want to plot my data as a continuous line putting years on the X axis and population on Y.
4. Let the viewer better understand what's going on, showing a descriptive label.
5. Trim the picture so that it starts on the left with the first year and end to the right with the last one. Pyplot likes to let some room around.
6. It is always a good idea to give a name to the picture.
7. A nice touch, a bit of color to improve the readability.
8. After anything has been set on the area, it is time show it. This is the moment the image is actually generated.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Who is going to have dessert?

In the previous post We have seen how easy is to calculate the BMI for a bunch of people when using numpy arrays. Let's go a step further and use those data.

Given a BMI numpy array, let's check which element is fit enough to stand a dessert. Basically, what we want is getting a boolean array where True means that the associated guy has a BMI less than 25. Easier to write the Python code than explain it:
   import numpy

   # ...
   # given bmis, a numpy array containing BMI for each person under surveillance

   dessert = bmis < 25
Now, if we want to check if Person One could get a slice of cake, we can just check the relative element in the numpy dessert array:
   if dessert[1]:
      print('Enjoy the dessert!')
      print('No dessert for you!')

Calculating Body Mass Index

The Body Mass Index is a good tool to estimate the body fat for a person from their height and weight. It is quite easy to calculate:
   bmi = weight / height ** 2
Things are getting a bit more complicated if I want to get the BMI for a bunch of people. I'd like to write something like this:
   bmis = weights / heights ** 2
Problem is that I can't do that with standard python lists, since there is no overload for mathematic operators working on them. I should write a piece of code that works on single components and puts the result in another list.

Luckly I could use the numpy library, designed expressly to provide better numeric capability to python. It is just a matter of using the array class. Here is an example:
   import numpy

   heights = numpy.array([1.78, 1.52, 1.63, 1.68])
   weights = numpy.array([65, 82, 63, 65])
   bmis = weights / heights ** 2
